
ZAP はカンボジアを拠点に、民泊メール代行をしています。日本語、英語、中国語、韓国語、タイ語、ベトナム語、クメール語の7ヶ国語に対応し、業界最安値でサービスを提供します‼

People should not be allowed to date before they are 18

How does your relationship look like? Relationship is a part of our lives. Some people start to have a relationship in the early age while some stay single during their teenagers. Dating is the first step to connect one to another partner.…

The myth of knowing different languages

Historically, people were struggling to learn new languages. Knowing new languages benefits us in many different ways based on our interests and purposes. Meanwhile, some people believe that speaking foreign languages is a way to exercise …


今晩はー!ZAP代表奥本達彦です! いつもは,日付変わるまでは事務所で仕事してますが,今日は気分転換と僕が経営しているもうひとつの会社YouArtの仲間とのミーティングをかねて,フィリピンバー,MeMatesにきてます!イヤーカンボジアにフィリピンバーがある…

Advantages of Impromptu Speech

Most of the people around the world approximately 80% have might been graduated in the university. So they are able to do a presentation in class or infront of the audience. Occasionally, there are some topics speech that teachers or judge…

60 Habits You Formed In Japan

60 Habits You Formed In Japan That Will Never Work In Other Country Let me start …….^ – ^ 1. Forgot how to lock the door. Even though you remember afterward, I don’t care. In Chinese says “People do not take any articles left by the waysid…

The benefits of Volunteering

The befit of Volunteering Firstly, helping others to access to basic need in lives is vitally important in the human society. More or less, in some societies, the gap of life between city and countryside is still huge problem so people nee…

Most visited tourist attraction around Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Hey Guys, We are ZAP which handle with mail enterepratation between house owner and guest who wants to mingle with the Local people. Today, we introduce to you the places most visted tourist attraction places in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Hope …


こんにちは、カンボジアで民泊メール代行をしておりますZAPです。 ZAPのお客様は、基本的に日本にくる外国からのゲストの方々と、物件オーナーの方々です。双方をメールで繋ぐことを仕事にしています。 しかし、私たちの拠点はカンボジア。まだまだ数は少な…

A Famous Bamboo Bridge in Kampong Cham Province

Hey Guys, We are ZAP Zeal Aspiraton Partner Today I will let you know a Famous Bamboo Bridge in Cambodia by English!! If you will come to Cambodia, I strongly recomend you visitng this place!!! Bamboo Bridge has been built at the Mekong Is…


グーグル先生!といえば、わからないことがあれば何でも答えてくれる大先生として有名ですが、今日は、またまた興味深いニュースが飛び込んできました!! In tests involving about 7,000 property listings in Europe, Google is checking if travelers woul…